Central Bureau of statistics activities
The Central Bureau Of Statistics produces a set of CD-ROMs included with the results of research and surveys conducted by and currently available:
يقوم المكتب بإصدار مجموعة من الأقراص الليزرية المتضمنة نتائج الأبحاث والمسوح التي يجريها و تتوفر حالياً :
family Income and expenditure survey 2009-2010
Statistical Abstract 2010
The annual bulletin of building and construction statistics 2009-2010
Annual bulletin of production and sales in the industrial public sector 2009
Production , costs , surplus and deficit bulletin in industrial public sector 2009
labor force 2009
The hotels survey 2008
The syrian youth transition from education to work 2009
Survey of slum / Dara'a city 2009
Time Series for Transport from 1970 to 2008
Time Series for Agriculture from 1970 to 2007
Statistical Abstract 2009
The direct foreign investment 2008
Foreign Trade Summary 2008
labor force 2008
labor force from 2002 to 2008
Random sample survey of crops protected 2007
Sample survey of executed and licensed construction survey 2008-2009
Industry survey in private sector 2006-2007
Production , costs , surplus and deficit bulletin in industrial public sector 2007-2008
Annual bulletin of production and sales in the industrial public sector 2007 – 2008
Indicators of tourism statistics 2008
Random sample agriculture survey of main crops 2009
family Income and expenditure survey2007
family Income and expenditure survey2004
Slum Survey 2008
Books and bullion that bureau issued for sell:
Statistical abstract.
Industry bulletin 2008 .
Time series for licensed building and completed in Syria .
Consumer price index in Syria .
Development of transportation sector in Syria.
Summary of foreign trade .
The result of irregular houses
Books and bulletins found at the bureau of the fallowing :
Ministries and governorates
Arab countries .
Arab organization .